Victory over regret, depression, anxiety, shame, lust, worry, gluttony, addiction and so much more is waiting for those that will say yes! You can expect to receive tremendous inner healing and breakthrough in areas of your life that you've struggled with for years. You will receive clarity regarding your gifts and calling!

I have known and been friends with Lori for several years now and can honestly testify that she is a gift from Father God to me. In my experience, she has given tirelessly of herself to me, along with others who are needing encouragement or prayer. As Lori has founded Reckless Love International Ministries, I have seen firsthand her love of Jesus and her delight in scripture. She dedicates time and really puts her heart into her biblical teachings. Lori has helped me in my walk with the Lord, truly discipling me with scriptural truth and her willingness to listen, just as Jesus commanded us to disciple others. After listening patiently, Lori has discerned the root cause of issues, often linking them back to generational bloodline problems, which has also led, on occasion, to addressing these things in the courts of heaven, until we receive a breakthrough and victory. The inner healing that I have experienced while working with Lori is nothing short of amazing, even though I am still very much a 'work in progress'. She is deeply knowledgeable about the wiles and disguises of the enemy, which has enabled her to help me identify and deal with my 'junk', so that I can fully experience God's peace, comfort and hope.

- Lucy S.

Hi, I’m Lori Lyn!

I spent almost half my life living the life of an alcoholic and drug addict. I was the epitome of the song "Looking for Love" by Johnny Lee. I have been abused by many, starting as a child. Once I found Jesus at the age of 24, I began a quest to not only walk in the freedom Christ came to give me but also to help others find that same freedom. I answered the call to ministry in 1999 and it has been quite the journey. It is my passion to see others free from their past and walking out their purpose.